
Righteous or Religious?

Consider this,—if the righteous be scarcely saved, where will you, and such as you, bitter scoffers, neglecters of ordinances, haters of the power of godliness and the purity of religion, appear? You whose pride and folly, or whose formality, lukewarmness, and superstition, whose company and society, whose ways and daily walking, proclaim you to be wholly strangers to this concernment […]

Shuffling With God

Do we humble ourselves to accept of the righteousness that God in Christ hath provided for us? It is a common working of the heart of them whom God is drawing to himself;—they dare not close with the promise, they dare not accept of Christ and his righteousness,—it would be presumption in them. And the answer is common,—that […]

The Death of The Righteous; How We Should Meet Death

This is an excerpt from a sermon of Owen’s where he made mention of a man in his congregation who had recently passed away. God hath lately taken from this congregation, — a justified man… I was with him the day before he died, and found him in the exercise of faith upon as noble […]