Condescension of God

A Lord’s Day Meditation. Blessings!

God might have left us, and yet have manifested much free grace, to have gathered up falling crumbs or occasional droppings of mercy and supply, that we should have rejoiced to have found out one word looking that way. But, to shut up all objections, and to stop for ever the mouth of unbelief, he hath not only spoken plainly, […]

No Heart Can Fully Conceive of The Condescension of God

That the high and the lofty One, the great and the glorious God, should enter into this covenant with poor dust and ashes, worms of the earth as we are! — the Lord help us to understand it. Condescension is endearing and satisfying,—we find it so among men. If a man that is great in the world does but condescend to […]